## Copyright (c) 1993-2001 Microsoft Corp.#
# This file has been automatically generated for use by Microsoft Internet
# Connection Sharing. It contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names
# for the home network. Please do not make changes to the HOSTS.ICS file.
# Any changes may result in a loss of connectivity between machines on the
# local network.
# s1.hero.game2.com.cn ## Copyright (c) 1993-2001 Microsoft Corp.
# This file has been automatically generated for use by Microsoft Internet
# Connection Sharing. It contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names
# for the home network. Please do not make changes to the HOSTS.ICS file.
# Any changes may result in a loss of connectivity between machines on the
# local network.
# s32.hero.game2.com.cn
[color=red]您好,您要看您是什么服务器的,并看您所进行修改的是不是所要修改的文本的。[/color] 为什么改成后面那种可以进游戏,人物全部丢失! 我的人物怎么全部丢失了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GM回复:
[color=red]您好,您要确认下您登录帐号的。[/color] 选择32区,进到1区,什么意思!!!!!!!!!!GM速度回答!!!!!!!!!!! 我清理多次内存,进游戏选择32区,结果自动进入一区!!!!!!!!GM别逼我骂人!GM回复:
[color=red] s37.hero.game2.com.cn[/color] 按照你第二次说的修改,我连游戏都进不去了,你娘的,吃大便的啊! ## Copyright (c) 1993-2001 Microsoft Corp.#
# This file has been automatically generated for use by Microsoft Internet
# Connection Sharing. It contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names
# for the home network. Please do not make changes to the HOSTS.ICS file.
# Any changes may result in a loss of connectivity between machines on the
# local network.
# s37.hero.game2.com.cn 这样连游戏都进不去了。我是32区的我的账号:xiongcongmsy 您指定的网页无法访问! 到底怎么改!我32区的!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 回答!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GM干你娘!