昨天好好的,今天来了就进不了游戏平台,总是显示The page cannot be displayed,任何浏览器都打不开,其他信息如下:[table=410][tr][td=2,1,400]There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach and it cannot be displayed.[/td][/tr][tr][td=2,1,400]Please try the following:
[list][*]Click the [color=#ff0000]Refresh[/color] button, or try again later.[*]Open the [url=http://www.game2.cn/][color=#ff0000]www.game2.cn[/color][/url] home page, and then look for links to the information you want.[*]If you believe you should be able to view this directory or page, please contact the Web site administrator by using the e-mail address or phone number listed on the [url=http://www.game2.cn/][color=#ff0000]www.game2.cn[/color][/url] home page.[/list]64 - Host not available
Internet Security and Acceleration ServerTechnical Information (for support personnel)
The gateway has lost the connection with the Web site you are trying to access.
[*]ISA Server: proxy_server
Time: 2009-8-18 3:22:57 GMT[/list][/td][/tr][/table]
[color=red]您好 请问是几区的呢?[/color] 我是十区的我试过了,绝对不会是我的网络本身的问题,其他网站都能上,9wee的武林英雄也能登录... 什么时候能解决呀,我4个号呢........浪费了一上午的时间哪
[color=blue]您好 您可以不用代理或者换个代理试试[/color] 我和你一样,我是8区的,进不了游戏啊,网页都打不开。郁闷。8点钱还好的。都这么久了,居然网站还没发现自己出了问题。真是够可以的 自己顶,看看有多少人今天登不上来的 继续顶!!!!页: