GM help 速来解决!!十万火急
16 [url=thread-149137-1-1.html]区 Patlesterpeng 为什[/url][url=thread-149137-1-1.html]气血[/url][url=thread-149137-1-1.html]和[/url][url=thread-149137-1-1.html]内息[/url][url=thread-149137-1-1.html]2000 没了[/url]GM回复:
[color=red]您好,您放映的是什么问题呢?请您详细描述下[/color] my stage is 64 but my 气血 drop from 2000plus to 563 and my 内息 drop from 1000 plus to 627. Do you understand what i mean ?[026]
[color=red]please provide your game name and location of the server role[/color] lacation : 16game name: patlesterpeng
[color=red]Has been repaired for you, please log in again to try[/color] thank youGM回复:
[color=red]You are welcome[/color]页: