邪惡鬼隐躲闪 (+ 嗜血?)
If you can't read this, skip and read what I have :-D If you can, please help me get informatio on: high lvl food that add 躲闪 or 身法, ultimate level cap and 身法 per level for 鬼隐潜能百变灵动(+8)... 鬼隐 + 3.7% 躲闪.... *10, 37% (+.5% 技能, + 2%, +8*.12, +2*.12 技能)
鬼隐技能 +5% 躲闪
技能 +20 身法, 2.4% 躲闪
碧玉 颜色繁多且艳丽的宝石,可镶嵌到武器和防具上,增加你的身法
匕, 上装,下装, 披风,头 +10 身法 +50, +6% 躲闪
职位(20) +6%躲闪
猴儿酒 +9 身法 +1.08%躲闪 (lvl 36)
桃酒 +3%躲闪 (lvl 36)
lvl 80+ >200 身法, >24% 躲闪
>85% 躲闪???
Ok chaps, I can't actully type Chinese(Computer problem), that's all copy and paste.... If any of you can read english, please listen to me here and perhaps translate this part in your reply(please help). First of all, I can't find food information for above lvl 36 as I'm still new. So that's one place where the dodge maybe can go up more. Then, there is the level cap and exact 身法 growth per level that is uncertain. What does this mean? it means you can have over 85% 躲闪, maybe even 100+%!!! In this case, anyone without good +命中and is not a control-dagger will be well... ownt??? I think this is errr... almost bugged~~~ (I'm a 杀手 FYI)
alternative is sacrficing the 潜能 or 灵动 for a 嗜血, so you are at at least 75% 躲闪 with +20% 吸取气血, and all your gear can be upgraded and beside the 碧玉 use all +damage ones.... Is this even fair???
Please help translate, and help me find the information for high lvl 鬼隐身法, also high level food... I really want to know just how wrong this can get, where unless a player is killed in 1 or 2 attacks, it will never lose(>70% 躲闪 + 14-20%吸取气血)
So basically although an assasination-dagger is weak in the begining(the 气血 is sooooo low....) it can become basically imortal later on??? Not a banlanced developed char is it.....
high armor can get close to this, but from what I see it don't get pass 50%.... oh and yeah, the 鬼隐 have some amount of armor too....
Yeah, it will probably require 1000+ RMB dump to do it, and I will not attempt.... but if some happen to feel like it...